Business Insurance
Protect the lifestyle you’ve earned.

Commercial Auto
Get coverage for small, medium or large sized fleets with commercial auto insurance that will make you feel secure.

Commercial Property
Commercial property insurance is a key piece of coverage for any business owner. Flexible and tailored coverage to meet the needs of your business.

Directors and Officers Liability
We are entering a new era of personal liability. Ensure that you and your directors’ assets are protected in the event of wrongful acts.

Investment Property
We understand it can be tough to manage investment properties and the extra exposure associated. Ensure you’re properly covered to provide you with peace of mind.

General Liability
Be protected from claims involving bodily injury or property damage as a result of your products and operations or services with General Liability insurance.

Professional Liability
The risk of being sued over your services is always high. Even without merit, defense costs and the impact on your reputation can be costly.

Builders Risk

Workers’ Compensation
Be protected from a suit with wage replacement and medical benefits to employees who may be injured during employment.

Inland Marine
Be protected from damaged equipment, contamination, or stolen goods when operating your business.

Cyber Liability
We live in a world where the risk of cyber attacks happen more and more. From data breaches to electronic theft and vandalism – protecting data is an issue for every organization.

Get guaranteed payments of interest and principal on securities such as bonds or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond.

Commercial Excess
Commercial excess or umbrella insurance is important for businesses requiring an additional layer of liability protection for several of your underlying liability insurance policies.

How risky are you?
Calcualte your insruance risk based on your lifestyle. Find out in minutes your risk profile and where you may be vulnerable.